Mölltaler Gletscher

High mountains to touch – experience at over 3,000 m above sea level

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Ski tours & Freeriding

Under your own steam experiencing the high art of skiing

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“The gorge of gorges” in Flattach in Mölltal

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Hohe Tauern National Park

The oldest and biggest conservation area in the south side of the Alps

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Water sports and wild water in Flattach in Mölltal

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Road cycling & Mountain biking

On the cycle paths, or a mountain bike tour around Flattach

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Cuisine & Delectation

Culinary delights on the south side of the Alps

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Rollbahn themed trail

Hiking, themes, information and fantastic views to Großfragant

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Wintersaison leider beendet
Winter season closed

ab 15.03.2020

Werte Partner und Gäste,
aus gegebenem Anlass beenden wir die Wintersaison schneller als geplant.
Die Skigebiete schließen am Sonntag, 15. März, die Beherbergungsbetriebe am Montag, 16. März.

Alle aktuellen Informationen finden Sie auf www.kaernten.at/aktuelle-informationen/
Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!

Dear guests and partners!
Due to the occasion the winter season 2019/2020 finishs earlier than planned.
The lifts will close with Sunday, 15. March 2020 and the accommodation establishments with Monday, 16. March 2020.

All information about this you will find on www.visitcarinthia.at/information/
We look forward to welcoming you at later.