Wildwasserarena Mölltal

Water sports and wild water in Flattach in Mölltal

The Möll is one of the cleanest and clearest rivers in Austria and is therefore a lovely, dreamy natural realm for humans and animals alike. However the Möll can of course be quite different; right in the town of Flattach ‘Wildwasserarena Mölltal’ awaits – a sporty, action-packed and breath-taking attraction for watersports fans and anyone who enjoys fun activities in the water.

The section of the Möll along which the Wildwasserarena has been set-up, is very well suited to water sports. The natural drops of up to 3 metres provide optimum conditions for rafting, kayaking and various other action sports. Over a length of 350 metres numerous attractions await on the wild waters of the Möll, including a slalom route, waves, rolls and much more.


The best slalom route in Europe

This is how real experts describe the slalom training route along the Möll. The natural drops and optimum placement of gates provide the best training conditions, for which many guests travel from far off to experience and to train on the Möll. As well as providing permanently gates, the positioning of waves and rolls on the WW III+ route is also superb and sets the hearts of wild water fans racing.


Rusalka, Sarahkiri, Catapillar …

… what sounds like a foreign language here are in actual fact the names of the different rapids along the wild water route. In a kayak the Wildwasserarena provides a perfect place for fun and for training, as long as you’ve done your homework on the route beforehand. Memorise the route sections and get an idea of what the river is like. The gates on the slalom route in the middle of the Möll have plenty of space for rafting groups and river hikers – there is space for everyone on the Möll.


Other sports in the Wildwasserarena

  • Wildwater rafting – a fun adventure on the water for all the family
  • Hydrospeed – Water fun with a raft ride
  • River Surfing – California feeling on the Möll, surfing the waves
  • Canoe rodeo – Surf the natural waves and rolls in a canoe
  • Canoe slalom – an Olympic sport. Through the gates against the clock.
  • River bug – a trendy sport from New Zealand, rafting using your hands and feet
  • Tubing – over the river on blow-up tyres. Fantastic for families and kids

Sound interesting? Are you a wild water fan, or maybe you would like to have a go at wild water canoeing?

Then the best thing to do is to head for Flattach and get ready for a fantastic time in the Wildwasserarena on the Möll.

For more information about your stay, get in touch. Send us a no-obligation enquiry or call us on: +43 4785 615. We look forward to welcoming you!


Wintersaison leider beendet
Winter season closed

ab 15.03.2020

Werte Partner und Gäste,
aus gegebenem Anlass beenden wir die Wintersaison schneller als geplant.
Die Skigebiete schließen am Sonntag, 15. März, die Beherbergungsbetriebe am Montag, 16. März.

Alle aktuellen Informationen finden Sie auf www.kaernten.at/aktuelle-informationen/
Wir freuen uns, Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen!

Dear guests and partners!
Due to the occasion the winter season 2019/2020 finishs earlier than planned.
The lifts will close with Sunday, 15. March 2020 and the accommodation establishments with Monday, 16. March 2020.

All information about this you will find on www.visitcarinthia.at/information/
We look forward to welcoming you at later.